ADHD Music for Focus

ADHD is a neuropsychiatric condition that can affect many aspects of life, particularly the ability to pay attention, focus, and complete tasks. Common symptoms include difficulties sitting still, following through with instructions, and engaging in tasks that require sustained mental effort.
Some scientific evidence suggests that music may be a beneficial tool for regulating symptoms of ADHD.
A 2023 systematic review identified 17 studies that found music to improve ADHD to some extent. ‘Passive music therapy’, or listening to music, appeared to improve participants’ attention and some behaviors, as well as skills in mathematics, drawing, and reading comprehension. The difficulty of the task, as well as the music genre and pace contributed to the success of the intervention.
Another study published in 2020 found that for children with ADHD, listening to music with and without lyrics whilst using noise-cancelling headphones significantly improved reading comprehension.
Based on the information learned from these studies, we’ve compiled a collection of playlists containing tracks that might help people with ADHD get in the zone.
Binaural beats
The American Academy of Audiology describes binaural beats as listening to different tones in each ear, which the brain combines to create a third additional tone. These tunes are probably best appreciated whilst wearing headphones or earphones, so you can achieve the full experience.
White noise
White noise sounds a bit like TV static, and it is a combination of all the sounds the human ear is able to hear. It may help to drown out the world around you, because it crosses the whole spectrum of hearing, minimizing potential distractions.
Classical composers
One of the studies analysed in the previously mentioned systematic review experimented with classical music by composers including Beethoven and Mozart, to find out if it affected performance in video gameplay for children with ADHD. Although the study was small in size, the researchers found some evidence that this type of music may improve attention.
Slow tempo
A 1981 study found that in children with ADHD, listening to music with a slower tempo improved hyperactive behavior during a drawing task. Music with a slow tempo may help to calm and relax the brain and help you focus.
Calm music
Soothing sounds might help you feel grounded, peaceful, and instil a sense of serenity, which might help focus your attention and reduce tension or stress.
How do I know if music helps with my ADHD?
It can be tricky to keep on top of how your symptoms are changing after starting a new intervention, like music therapy. Trying to recall this information in the limited time during an appointment can be even more difficult without an accurate record.
Human Health is a free app that helps you track your symptoms and treatments. Using a health tracker can help provide you and your doctor about which treatments are working for you, so you can make more informed decisions about your health.
Click here to download Human Health.
We hope you found this article helpful. If you know someone that might benefit from reading about music and sounds that might help with focus for people with ADHD, please share this with them. We’d love for our resources to reach those who need them.
- Martin-Moratinos M, Bella-Fernández M, Blasco-Fontecilla H. Effects of Music on Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Potential Application in Serious Video Games: Systematic Review. J Med Internet Res. 2023 May 12;25:e37742. doi: 10.2196/37742.
- Madjar N, Gazoli R, Manor I, Shoval G. Contrasting effects of music on reading comprehension in preadolescents with and without ADHD. Psychiatry Res. 2020 Sep;291:113207. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2020.113207.
- American Academy of Audiology. What Exactly Are Binaural Beats? Available At:
- Kiran, Fettah, "Exploring Effects of Background Music in A Serious Game on Attention by Means of EEG Signals in Children" (2020). LSU Master's Theses. 5151.
- Klein, P. S. (1981). Responses of hyperactive and normal children to variations in tempo of background music. Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences, 18(2), 157–166.
- Ghasemi S, Fasih-Ramandi F, Monazzam MR, Khodakarim S. White Noise and Its Potential Applications in Occupational Health: A Review. Iran J Public Health. 2023 Mar;52(3):488-499. doi: 10.18502/ijph.v52i3.12132.