Lurie Center for Autism

Updated:Aug 24, 2024
The Lurie Center for Autism is committed to advancing treatments for and knowledge about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and other developmental disorders, and translating these discoveries into exceptional clinical care. A program of Massachusetts General Hospital and Mass General for Children, The Lurie Center is a multidisciplinary treatment, research, training, and advocacy organization dedicated to supporting individuals and their families across the lifespan.
Article by Lurie Center for Autism
Articles written by Lurie Center for Autism span multiple topics and conditions
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Water safety resources

Safety around water is important for any child to understand. See this post for helpful resources. This content has been published in collaboration with The Lurie Center for Autism.
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Catatonia: An overview

Learn more about catatonia, a symptom that is increasingly recognized in patients with Autism. This content has been published in collaboration with The Lurie Center for Autism.
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Guardianship: What you need to know

Information about guardianship and healthcare. This content has been published in collaboration with The Lurie Center for Autism.
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Assessment of College Readiness for Autistic Youth

Some considerations to explore when navigating the transition to college for Autistic people. This content has been published in collaboration with The Lurie Center for Autism.
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Therapy Services at The Lurie Center for Autism

Learn more about the therapy services on offer at The Lurie Center for Autism. This content has been published in collaboration with The Lurie Center for Autism.
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Supporting Siblings – Tips for Parents

ASD can make the sibling experience more complex than usual. Here are some tips and resources to support siblings. This content has been published in collaboration with The Lurie Center for Autism.
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Safety resources for ASD

Resources and tips for keeping your loved one with ASD safe. This content has been published in collaboration with The Lurie Center for Autism.
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What to expect: Special Education meeting

Information about what may happen before, during, and after a meeting regarding your child's individual education needs. This content has been published in collaboration with The Lurie Center for Autism.
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Preparing for puberty

Parenting tips for when and how to approach puberty. This content has been published in collaboration with The Lurie Center for Autism.
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Anxiety strategies to help your child with Autism

Tips to help you identify signs of your child's anxiety, and how to manage it. This content has been published in collaboration with The Lurie Center for Autism.
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How to help someone if they have a seizure

A helpful guide to assist you during and after someone has a seizure. This content has been published in collaboration with The Lurie Center for Autism.
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Learning How To Swallow a Pill

Swallowing pills can be tricky. Here are some tips for learning or teaching this skill. This content has been published in collaboration with The Lurie Center for Autism.
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Medicine Safety Ideas for Families

Here are some tips for medication safety at home and in the hospital. This content has been published in collaboration with The Lurie Center for Autism.
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Understanding the ASD profile in females

Females with ASD often present differently to males. Learn more about ASD in females. This content has been published in collaboration with The Lurie Center for Autism.
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My doctor recommended therapy. Now what?

Learn more about the different kinds of therapy, and the next steps. This content has been published in collaboration with The Lurie Center for Autism.
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Gender identity and Autism

Information about gender identity, particularly in Autistic people. This content has been published in collaboration with The Lurie Center for Autism.
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Vaccine tips for parents and caregivers

Getting vaccines can be challenging for many people. Here are some tips and tricks. This content has been published in collaboration with The Lurie Center for Autism.
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Sleep Issues: Tips and Resources

Some tips and tricks to help you and your child sleep. This content has been published in collaboration with The Lurie Center for Autism.
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Anxiety and Autism

Anxiety can commonly occur in people with Autism. Learn more about how it may present. This content has been published in collaboration with The Lurie Center for Autism.
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ADHD and Autism

This post contains information about the co-occurrence of Autism and ADHD. This content has been published in collaboration with The Lurie Center for Autism.
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Limit setting tips for parents

Setting limits with children can be tricky, so here are some tips that might help. This content has been published in collaboration with The Lurie Center for Autism.
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Behavior Tools for Parents: Attending, Rewards, Giving Instructions, Ignoring

Some helpful tips for parents to help manage behavior. This content has been published in collaboration with The Lurie Center for Autism.
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Repetitive and ritualized behaviors

A summary of how repetitive and ritualized behaviors may impact people with OCD or Autism. This content has been published in collaboration with The Lurie Center for Autism.
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The Differential Diagnosis of Repetitive Thoughts

Information to help you differentiate between different types of repetitive thoughts. This content has been published in collaboration with The Lurie Center for Autism.
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Diagnosing Autism Fact Sheet

This post addresses common questions about getting an Autism diagnosis in the United States. This content has been published in collaboration with The Lurie Center for Autism.
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