Build the most compelling, scientific health tracking product
We’ve built a tool that empowers patients and carers to track treatments, gain deep insights, and better manage their complex health conditions.
Recruit the world’s doctors and patients
We’re making it easy for doctors and their patients to collaborate in real-time to learn what works.
Fill gaps in research and publish our findings
We'll capture data to deliver insights to doctors and patients; so that everyone everywhere will have access to personalized treatment plans.
Curate the most comprehensive and accessible health knowledge base
We will publish our findings for the science and research communities, for free.
Privacy is a human right. Your data is yours: you get full control over who can view your data on Human. Human keeps all your information secure and encrypted. We never sell data. We are fully GDPR compliant.
Built with clinicians,
to improve patient outcomes

Understanding how treatments are impacting my patients will help me care for them, but having a way to scale those impacts with the broader medical community will help care for all those suffering with the same symptoms.
Dr Young Shin Kim

With the evidence clearly labelled at your fingertips, every clinician will feel like they’ve got superpowers.
Dr David Furman
Associate Professor at the Buck Institute for Research
Chief Scientific Advisor, Human
77% of clinicians expect real-time patient analytics to be critical to personalized care in the future. Building trust in these new models of care is going to need the best available evidence, and at Human we're working to bring that together.
Dr Steven Gluckman
Tracking progress contributes to research
Turning real-time symptom tracking into clinical evidence

Understanding how treatments are impacting my patients will help me care for them, but having a way to scale those impacts with the broader medical community will help care for all those suffering with the same symptoms.
Dr Young Shin Kim
Evidence-based decision support
The latest treatments, stack ranked at your finger tips

With the evidence clearly labelled at your fingertips, every clinician will feel like they’ve got superpowers.
Dr David Furman
Associate Professor at the Buck Institute for Research
Chief Scientific Advisor, Human
Enrich Patient-Doctor Relationships
Clear treatment plans with the best evidence empower everyone
77% of clinicians expect real-time patient analytics to be critical to personalised care in the future. Building trust in these new models of care is going need the best available evidence, and at Human we're working to bring that together.
Dr. Steven Gluckman
Leading Institutions