Human Health Co-Founder, Kate, Shares Her Story

In this video, Kate shares her journey as a mother of two children on the Autism spectrum. This interview offers a glimpse into the real-life experiences, challenges, and learnings that have shaped her path.

Topics Covered:

1. Diagnosis and Challenges:
Kate discusses the initial signs of Autism in her children and the journey to their diagnosis. She talks about the challenges faced in understanding and accepting their conditions, as well as the difficulties encountered in navigating the healthcare system to find the right support and care for her children.

2. Parental Experience:
Reflecting on her journey, Kate shares her initial reactions to the diagnosis and how it impacted her family life. She speaks about the changes her children’s health challenges brought to her life, and the resilience she built along the way.

3. Strategies for Support:
Kate outlines the strategies and approaches she developed to support her children's needs. She emphasises the importance of individualised care, focusing on enhancing their daily experiences and quality of life, and the practical steps she took to ensure their well-being.

From Human Health:
Kate's journey is a mirror to many parents' experiences with Autism. We hope her story offers some insight into the complexities of parenting children with Autism and serves as a source of inspiration and understanding for families facing similar challenges.

Our mission at Human Health is ensure everyone gets access to personalised healthcare. We have created an Autism Hub page that curates relevant resources to help families, parents and individuals stay informed about important developments related to their health condition.

Hugh Barrett
People & Engagement @ Human